Title: Galaxy
Zoo: the properties of merging galaxies in the nearby Universe – local
environments, colours, masses, star formation rates, and AGN activity
Authors: D. W. Darg,
S. Kaviraj, C. J. Lintott, K. Schawinski, M. Sarzi, S. Bamford, J. Silk, D.
Andreescu, P. Murray, R. C. Nichol, M. J. Raddick, A. Slosar, A. S. Szalay, D.
Thomas, and J. Vandenberg
First Author’s
Institution: University of
Oxford, Department of Physics
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Article Summary:
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Examining large-scale morphological properties of galaxy mergers
proved to be a trying feat until the Galaxy Zoo project was set in motion. Because of the great variety of
configurations of mergers, visually examining images of galaxies is a much
better method for identifying and classifying these specimens than using
structural parameters. Using
classifications on the Galaxy Zoo interface, one can determine how ‘merger-like’ a
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) image appears to be based on the percentage of
volunteers that flagged the particular image as a merger. By utilizing the morphological data
from Galaxy Zoo, Darg et al. were able to delve into important properties of
merging galaxies, such as the structure of progenitor galaxies, internal properties
of interacting galaxies, time-scales of merger events, local environments of mergers, star formation
histories, and AGN activity.
In this study, 3003 merging pairs were classified as well as
a redshift-matched control sample.
The galaxies lie in the relatively local universe, with redshift range
0.005 < z < 0.1. Binned
redshifts for the merger and control samples are shown in figure 1. Galaxies were classified both by their
morphologies (Elliptical, Spiral, Unclear but probably Elliptical, and Unclear
but probably a Spiral) and their merger stages. Mergers could either be classified as ‘separated’,
‘interacting’, or ‘approaching post-merger’. Of the 3003 samples, ~84% were classified as interacting, ~6%
as separated, and ~10% as approaching post-merger.
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Figure 1. Binned redshift distributions for the merger and control samples. |
Of the merging systems visually examined in this study,
there were about 3 times as many spirals than ellipticals. This is interesting given that the
ratio of spirals to ellipticals in the global galaxy population is ~1.5. One issue that Darg et al. inquired about
was the reason for this discrepancy.
Does it have to do with the environment in which these mergers take
place or differences in the internal properties of these galaxies? To parameterize the environment of
these mergers, a sophisticated measure of the number of galaxies per unit
volume called the ‘adaptive-Gaussion-environment parameter’ was used. This allowed the determination of
whether the merging galaxies and the control were located in the low-density
field, high-density clusters, or in an intermediate regime. Figure 2 shows that both mergers and
controls peaked in a region dubbed ‘intermediate environments’. Since mergers were also found to occupy
similar if not denser environments than the control (where elliptical galaxies
are more prevalent), the role of environment in causing the high
spiral-to-elliptical ratio in mergers can be ruled out. Instead, the prevalence of spirals in
mergers likely arises from the longer time-scales of detectability for mergers
involving spirals than for mergers involving ellipticals.
At least one of each of the galaxies merging had spectral
data, allowing this study to do a color analysis of the samples. In accord with earlier observations,
the merging galaxies had a larger spread of colors than the control sample,
supporting the notion that ‘irregular’ morphologies have a greater spread in
color than ‘regular’ ones. A
volume limited (where only galaxies with Mr < -20.55 were used)
and a non-volume limited color-magnitude diagram for the merger and control
samples can be seen in figure 3. A
clear bimodality between the elliptical and spiral regimes can be seen in the
binned color plots. Figure 4 shows the mass-distributions of galaxies in both
merger and control samples. Across
almost all environments, the spiral-galaxy stellar mass distributions appear to
be the same in the mergers as in the control sample. Ellipticals mergers on the other hand appear to be slightly
more massive than their control counterparts. When morphologies are not looked at, a very similar mass
distribution for merger and control samples is attained. The fact that mergers favor spirals
(which are generally less massive) yet
have an overall distribution just as massive as the control sample may indicate
that galaxies involved in mergers really are more massive.
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Figure 4. Mass distributions for galaxies in all environments (top row), galaxies in the field (second row), galaxies in intermediate regimes (third row) and galaxies in dense clusters (bottom). |
Figure 5 shows the entire sample of merger-pairs in a mass-color-morphology graph. Both color and morphology of the galaxies scale strongly with mass. An interesting find is that there is a near absence of ellipticals with masses below 3 x 1010 solar masses, raising the question as to what happens to two low-mass spiral galaxies when they merge. This may be due to low-mass galaxies retaining a sufficient amount of gas to reform a disc after a major merger event (gas content along with conservation of angular momentum is what leads to a flattened-out disc shape in galaxies). More massive galaxies may be prone to more catastrophic angular momentum loss during a merger event, and the remaining gas supplies may plunge into the central core and transfer the angular momentum required for disc morphology into the stellar dispersion of the remnant bulge.
Due to the importance of feedback mechanisms to a gas
retention model, the study next examined active galactic nuclei (AGN) and star
formation signatures of the mergers.
By examining the measured fluxes of emission lines in the samples, this
study was able to determine the most likely sources of these emissions and
separate their galaxies into 4 categories: star-forming, mixed (both star formation
and AGN activity), AGN (either Seyfert nuclei or LINERs), and quiescent (or
‘weak emission-line’). Figure 6
shows the locations of these four types of mergers in mass-color space. In this plot, galaxies characterized by
star-formation occupied the low-mass region, AGN occupied the intermediate-mass
region, and quiescent types occupied the high-mass region. This suggests that the fuel supply of
high-mass galaxies has been exhausted (as to not fuel star formation or AGN
activity) and low-mass galaxies may have insufficient mass to power AGN. Alternatively, AGN signatures in low-mass galaxies may also be obscured by high gas content and high star formation rates (SFRs). By
comparing spectral signatures to a control sample, the study determined that
mergers significantly enhance SFRs in spiral galaxies only, whereas
ellipticals live up to being ‘red and dead’ and their SFRs not as affected by
major mergers. Using H-alpha
emission strength, estimations of the SFRs (of galaxies that fell in the
star-forming category) were measured to be ~5.2 solar masses per year, which
was about twice the value of a control sample of non-merging star-forming
galaxies. The highest SFR of the
merging galaxies was ~ 95 solar masses per year.
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Figure 6. Color-stellar mass relation for galaxies of differing spectral types. Each plot highlights the samples that fall into each respective category. |
The use of galaxy zoo morphology classifications allowed
this study to analyze the effects of mergers on different types of
galaxies. By estimating the
environment around mergers, the prevalence of spiral galaxies in merger
events was found to not be due to the density of the environments in which mergers occur. Therefore, internal properties of
galaxies may be the reason for the high number of spirals in mergers;
spirals have large gas reservoirs that may result in longer time-scales of
merger events, whereas when two elliptical galaxies merge one would expect them to produce comparatively faint tidal tails and little star formation, thus making them harder to detect. Since
detectability of mergers relates to their timescales and timescales relate to
internal properties of galaxies, addressing the colors, stellar masses, and spectral emission of the samples is of importance.
This study found that colors of merging galaxies scale strongly with
mass and morphology, and are spread over a larger area than control galaxies. Ellipticals are rare below a mass of ~
3 x 1010 solar masses, which may be due to low-mass spiral mergers
surviving the event and having enough gas to reform their disc. Moving to the feedback mechanisms of
the merging samples, Darg et al. found that mergers induce intense
star-formation only when they involve
spiral galaxies, and AGN activity was not present in low-mass mergers. In star-forming mergers, the SFRs were
~2 times greater than that of a control sample of star-forming galaxies. This study also found that specific
SFRs (star-formation rates per unit stellar mass), scale down with stellar
mass, possibly due to gas supplies being continually drained as galaxies
accumulate mass. The
results generally imply that mergers affect spirals much more than ellipticals,
which in turn affects the time-scales of detectability for merger events.
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